The meaning of the first name Dabang is “to work.” It is a restless and active personality, and a name like this can help one overcome fears, impulsive nature, and other problems of the ego. Although it can be difficult to overcome a shyness and nervousness, people born with this name will have the strength and ability to conquer their fears and ambitions. They are able to work through their fears, but they may face financial difficulties and ill health.
Initially, the dabang served as a place where people could practice their favorite hobbies. It was a social and charitable object, and it also served as a place for the high-level unemployed to find a job. There were numerous cafes located throughout the city, including those in Kyungsung, Hangaram, and Kakadu. Many of these cafes subsequently changed from cultural dabangs to commercial ones, and many of them still exist today.
Since the 1960s, Dabang has become a woman-run business with women masters handling everything from facemassaging to register counters and cooking. In addition, dabang rooms have become more crowded, as more people visit the coffee house to hold commercial meetings. Dabang coffee shops also have a secretary that employers use if they don’t have an office. With the development of instant coffee production, more Koreans started drinking coffee at home and the dabang gradually transformed into a deluxe café.
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